Monday, February 28, 2011

Tuesday, Feb. 29th, C Day Notes

The Scribe

1 comment:

  1. Mahabarta

    Utisthera loses it all in the dice game.

    Partner Project
    What worked?
    *Passion, excitement leading to Thoroughness.
    *Partners who lived here could relate information given to their home country/ comparing & contrasting to get a complete understanding.
    *different perspectives helped to understand our own country as well as theirs.

    What didn't work?
    *Only a certain amount of time, so instead of friendly conversation, it had to be somewhat rushed/ impersonal
    *Sending pictures? perhaps...
    show a group picture
    1. The uncommitted run after a blank flag, there is worms that are consuming their blood & maggits and gross bugs attacking!!!

    2. they're being punished because they didn't choose God, or anything for that matter. uncommitted/ neutral seen as bad, The bugs kind've like a constant nagging for their "wrong choice"

    3. Charron ferries them across the river he has long light hair,red eyes. HE ferries souls on his boat across the river to the other side.

    4. they see the philosophers in limbo. The philosophers are there because they weren't baptised/ before christianity started. for their punishment they are in a castle. Dante looks up to the philosophers and they are fond of him as well.

    (Comedies usually have happy endings) random info

    6. midlife crisis? why do they occur?
    realizing your youth is gone..
    death approaching...
    stuck in routine...

    Secret Question?
    Why is Charron complaining?
    He is upset because the souls he is ferrying in are all dead and Dante is alive. Its Ok because it was ordered that Dante be allowed into hell.
