Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A message from Chelsea

Hayden says, "Hurrah for Coffee Talk, can I come"?

1 comment:

    Life as a mom to a newborn is tough but rewarding. I've never valued sleep and quiet this much in my entire life. Waking up every 2-3 hours, not knowing exactly why Haylen is crying at 3am, and wanting an extra hour of sleep can get frustrating. But despite all the frustrations, she makes me so happy.
    She is a good baby as far as newborns go. She's not colic, MOST of the time she will fall right asleep after eating, and she doesn't fuss when she's with other people.
    I know it will get easier with time once we get the hang of it since it's only been 12 days. So I just have to be patient and learn more and more everyday.
