Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday notes: March 4, F day


1 comment:

  1. Mahabharata:

    The pandava brothers all swear to do terrible things to Dhritarāshtrab. The blind king, finally realizing the danger of what the pandavas have promise decided to give back everything waged during the dice games. He told them to take back all of their possessions and head home. "The heavens showed destruction..."

    Dantes Inferno:

    Secret Question: Why is Cerebus the best choice for this level of hell?
    Possible answers: Envy, greed and pride. Thee sins, three stanza of poem, three novels, three-headed dog. Maybe each head of Cerebus represent three different sins of gluttony.

    Ciaccao: The Pig. In Florence he often overindulged himself.

    Are anorexics and overindulgers on the same level?
    Nonetheless, both of parties worship food, food becomes their main focus which is why gluttony is such a sin because instead of focusing on God, they are focusing on substance.

    What is Dantes emotions as he comes into Hell?
    Feels bad for the sinners in that level, but is mad at the same time. While Florence was suffering, and the church was rich and prosperous, there were civilians who were starving and so Dante has a bit of anger towards this level of hell.

    How is the punishment for this level suitable for the sin? Excess excrement for excess consumption. Eating a lot= three heads; they are over doing everything. Excess of rain, saturation.
