Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday 3/16 Circle 9 and Satan


1. After the break, song contest (run by Mountan), get into groups and choose a reggae beat, rap, southern beat, etc. It has to be an original tune so don't use the background of someone else. It needs 3 X 4 lines that rhyme or not and 2 X 2 lines of refrane or repeated lines. Our leader chose the theme of unity, harmony peace. All of these topics or a global world.

2. Next paper Dialogue/ I Believe paper. Have 2 authors, characters have a discussion on a topic and then state what you believe. For example - Emerson and Basho talk about Nature and why Nature is a part of man, or Krishna and Dante, is there a hell? Draupadi and Francesca, what is true love? Lao Tzu and Yudhisthera, what is the true path in life?

3.Dante's Ninth Circle: Satan trapped in ice. Sinners also trapped in ice. Satan has 3 heads with bodies in each mouth, Brutus and Cassius (with their legs in Santan's mouth and with Judas, he is in head first. Brutus and Cassius betrayed Julius Caessar and stabbed him. Judas was s deciple of Jesus and he betrayed him by kissing him and identifying him.

4.The ice contains sinners at different parts of hell proper. Hell has 4 levels the outside in Caina they were traitors against kin, then political party, guests and then benefactor or those that fed them. Judas was the worst sinner because he was a traitor to Jesus, son of god.

5. Ugolino eats ruffino's head because this man trapped him in a tower with his sons. His sons suggest that their father eat them so that he can live. Terrible sin to eat kids.

Secret Question: Why is this book such a masterpiece of literature? What do you learn from this book? Why is it so widely translated?

6. Class worked on redoing Paper #2, last day.

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